Monday, June 27, 2011


Went out and bought a new BBQ yesterday. Got it loaded and strapped down on the truck no problem. Driving home it fell over. Typical for me.
Work has been slow. Making me wonder about the stability of the job again. I almost wish they would lay me off sometimes. Would finally force me to do....something.
I sit on the couch with the computer on my lap till its time to either go to work or go to bed.
Porn is even starting to depress me.
I hate my life.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My nephew is graduating soon. I've known the date for some time now. It never occurred to me even once to ask for the day off work.
Doesn't really matter in the long run. Won't miss me one way or the other. He is my nephew but that doesn't mean I have a clue as to who he is, or the other way around for that matter. Just as well...he's better off not knowing me.